The Sea Princess

The Sea Princess
Our Floating Home for Two Whole Weeks

About Us

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Sonja and I are off on our second major adventure - a cruise through the Panama Canal with some exciting excursions along the way. We have developed this ongoing blog as a way of sharing our adventures with you through a daily post. Comments are welcome.

Countdown to May 7, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Timing is running out!

Today is the 30th of April and we leave on the 4th – where did the time go? It seems like yesterday that we started to make plans for our cruise when it reality it was close to 2 ½ years. I know – I start early! You would think that starting that early would give me loads of time to get ready but I seem to be running out of time to get everything done before we leave.

We are so lucky to have a great pet sitter. I will miss the dogs but I know that Mel will take excellent care of them while I am away. Lou will pop by as well so I feel very secure in leaving them. 25 days is a long time.

Lists have been made and the last minute scramble is on to get everything we need before heading out. I am sure that the one thing we need I won’t think of until we are on the boat! Sunscreen is a must – we have two different SPFs and bug spray for the rainforest. There are lots of new books on my Kindle. Swimsuits are ready to go, and heck, I can always buy more undies! I am so looking forward to this adventure – Sonja and I are going to have an Absolutely Fabulous time!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sun, Sand, and Shoes

Hi all – it is so hard to believe that it is nearly time to depart for Florida. 19 more sleeps to be precise. The past few weeks have been busy with school, both for Sonja and I. I have been busy marking and preparing final exams and Sonja has been busy working on her final project and studying for her finals. Sadly, Sonja’s father passed away earlier this week and that has added an addition stress load to her life. I know we will both need some down time, and the Caribbean certainly seems to me to be a good place to do that. Ahh, yes, I can feel that lovely ocean breeze and taste the tang of a frozen margarita now! That bright azure blue ocean and the taste of a frozen margarita. Warm sunlight after a long winter; and did I mention the tang of a frozen margarita? Hopefully, the Peter the Pool Man/boy will continue to supply them as I sit soaking up the sun. I feel pretty secure in saying that Miss Sonja will match me drink for drink although her choice will probably be different than my tangy frozen margaritas. (Yes, that proves I can spell Margarita).

Packing hasn’t started yet, but I have been busy making lists of what I think we will need. I am still trying to decide on binocs. Do we really need them or is that just taking up additional space in a suitcase that could be devoted to, well, hmmm, shoes? Or better still, the big scrabble game. My kindle is just waiting to be loaded, ( I have 25 books on an Amazon list) and I am sure Sonja will have a novel or two she wants to bring. There has to be room for a computer and I guess I am expected to wear clothes of some sort after the cruise. While I understand San Fran is pretty liberal in its tastes, I have a feeling that pubic , no, wait, public nudity is still highly frowned upon. I can’t figure out why Air Canada feels we have to be limited to only two checked bags each. For Sonja, that is travelling light, really, really light! After all, she brings two knapsacks, her computer, her school books, a duffle bag, a small suitcase and more shoes then I own when going to her girlfriend’s for the weekend. (Ok – the shoes may be a tad bit exaggerated, but the rest of it is true, I swear!)